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Use your illusion

July 13, 2017

If the way you see the world isn’t helping you make the changes you seek to make, consider seeing the world differently.

This Seth Godin post feels aligned with emails from The Daily Stoic and serves as a useful reminder for me. Does it do the same for you?

The idea that we tell ourselves stories about experiences, our path, our interactions…about everything that happens to us. We take them as truth, as gospel, as “this happened to me.” But it’s all essentially made up. And that means it can be remade.

As soon as we decide we want to tell ourselves a different story, we can alter our path forward.

I’m thinking about what I can remake today. What story can you tell yourself differently to change your perception and your course?


One Comment leave one →
  1. July 16, 2017 18:07

    what we tell ourselves is so powerful. Even just changing a small perspective can make such a huge impact on our view of ourselves and the world.

    Liked by 1 person

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